Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Broken Again

I'm trying to stand as strong as i can
But still, i'm so fragile
And i hate it
I want to be a strong person

I think that it is enough to face this
I'm trying to keep it in mind
That those sunflower we saw that day is just a coincidence
Coincidence because i love sunflower

I don't want to be broken again

And your existence is far enough to let me see that flower
No more

Back Home

It's been so long since my last time of writing something. Yeah, poem or short story or even daily journal. Only if i have some time and only if i really want to burst out something that have been overflowing in my mind. I have no good time management to let my self keep writing.

Back to write means back home for me. I should stay longer, i suppose to. Because writing is healing. A very good and effective heal of a heart that has been broken down so many times. A very interesting therapy for someone who has too many acivity of work in their life.

Yes, it's been a very hard time for me to organize my mind, my soul, my heart, and my actvity, to make it all balance again.

I'm trying not to be an easy people to fall with my own feeling because i know once it broken it can be much hurt that before.

I'm trying no to be an easy people to believe with my own feeling because i know once i got any disappointment i loose my mind.

I'm trying not to be an easy people to easy to kind to onother because i know once another gives me a shit I want to slaps them.

It really is. Something not easy to do, something not easy to make it last.

But i know i can get through this.

Senin, 29 Mei 2017


Take a deep breath
Then asking myself
Many answer in every question
Stay deep in the deepest heart

Is this really what i want?
Is this really what i wish for?
Is this really a path i take?
Is this really a road i lead?

I really need time to heal my self
Just for searching what i really need now

Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Cara Mengetahui Daftar Sekolah Lengkap

Hoy hoy berapa abad (?) saya nggak nulis disini? Sampe berdebu (?) gini? abaikan

Buat postingan kali ini, saya akan coba share cara mengetahui daftar sekolah nasional. Why should i do this? *tiba-tiba terngiang lagu why me~ why me oh~ why me* Soalnya saya juga sering butuh. Jawaban mainstream? Biarin toh emang gitu kok kenyataannya. Daftar sekolah se-indonesia, se-provinsi, se-kota/kabupaten, se-kecamatan, ada lengkap di situs Keren kan? Secara pribadi saya sendiri suka butuh data SD buat observasi. Bosen juga kan kalo saya harus observasi ke SD itu-itu aja? Padahal kan banyak SD di kota tempat tinggal saya yang tercinta ini <3 Tapi masalahnya, buat saya adalah alamat. Heu~ Jadi saya simpan baik-baik list data SD se-Kota Tasikmalaya dan dapat dari link di atas.

Oke, kita mulai tutorialnya. Misalnya kita akan mencari daftar SD di Kecamatan Tawang, Kota Tasikmalaya

1. Buka situs Nanti akan muncul tampilan seperti ini. Klik untuk perbesar.

2. Klik Data Master lalu pilih Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.

3. Setelah itu, akan muncul tampilan seperti ini. Klik Provinsi Jawa Barat.

4. Nanti akan muncul daftar kabupaten dan kota yang ada di provinsi Jawa Barat

Cari Kota Tasikmalaya

5. Ketemu kan? Klik Kota Tasikmalaya. Nanti akan muncul kecamatan yang ada di Kota Tasikmalaya. Klik Kec. Tawang

Lalu akan muncul seperti ini

Lihat! Pusing kan kalo harus nyari SD dengan daftar yang tercampur dengan SMP dan SMA? -_- Supaya mudah, ubah jenjang pendidikan menjadi SD. Jadi nggak perlu nyortir lagi, langsung keluar sesuai kebutuhan kita.

Jadi gini tampilannya.

Jelas kan? Jelas? Dijelas-jelasin aja deh *maksa*.

Nah, segitu dulu deh tutorialnya buat yang sekarang. Kalau ada perubahan, di update lagi postingannya. Kalau ada yang ingin ditanyakan tentang ini, posting di komen. Oke? Pasti saya jawab kok :D

Semoga Bermanfaat! ^_^

Kamis, 27 Juni 2013


Fall to pieces
Broke down all the things
The suck
Should be vanish
But they didn't

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012


Don't you feel tired to disturb me that way?
Do you think that our relationship just a fake?
Do you think that he will got angry because he find something suspicious in my mail?
Oh God!
You have know that our relationship is true
You should know that he got angry because he has find something suspicious in my mail come from you

for a girl who named girl


For real
I'm shock
For sure
I'm shock
For fact
I'm shock
Extremely shock
Can't believe?
Believe it!
I'm shock!